Sunday, November 23, 2008

BlackBerry Storm: The reviews are in...and it's bad.

BlackBerry Storm: The reviews are in...and it's bad.

So, the reviews are in and it doesn't sound very good. Verizon sent the press kits to reporters earlier this week on the condition that they not publish anything until today (the day before release). I'm in media, so I know that's not that unusual, but I'm still suspect.

I'm still going to get mine early Friday, but I already call Verizon to make sure I can bring it back within 30 days and get out of the contract. I've been with Verizon forever and don't have any major complaints, but the iPhone has been calling me and the only thing keeping with Verizon was the Storm's release. Now that it's out, we'll see if I stay with Verizon or jet to ATT like all my homies. 

Anybody else copping the Storm?

I find this kid from Phonedog to be pretty credible. You'll notice how geeked he was in the first vid and then after a few hours with the phone he was like 'nah.'

Don't know this cat, but the review was alright.

This chick from PC World really rip it to shreds. But PC World showed it's bias earlier this week when they published half of a two sided review comparing the iPhone and Storm.

Another review, the Web is full of them.

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