Monday, December 1, 2008

Facebook, Nike, iPod and Time Magazine Are Sooo Cool!?

The new Nintendo Entertainment System Nike Air Max’s

According to a recent survey by Anderson Analytics which tracks what college students are doing each year, Time Magazine is college kids top magazine choice while American Eagle (barf!) was the top clothing brand. In online news CNN.commade the top ten websites this year while sites that used to be cool like College Humorand Perez Hilton dropped off the list….Facebook remains the most popular site whileMySpace is slipping on down the list.

When asked “What Is Your Favorite Brand?” the students chose Nike as the top dog for the fourth straight year, with Apple coming in second. We can see that.

Now if none of you LIFERS attending college were contacted about this survey we’ll just assume it was made by 30-something advertising people that don’t really know what’s going on…so let us know what Y0U think!  See the whole graph with some more categories after the click.

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