Monday, July 6, 2009

Kanye West Is Funny…


Kanye West always seems to amuse me during interviews, and his latest one with Louis Vuitton did not leave me disappointed. In the interview he talked about everything from Rihanna being a style genius to how he deals with celebrity. Check out the excerpts:

On Rihanna’s style
The singer, Rihanna, who is 21. She’s kind of like a genius because regardless of how many stylists she has, I know she does it on her own. That’s an innate talent, having style like that. It’s kind of like the way people play sport, some people just hit the shoots into the net better.

On his Fashion Icons
Michael Jackson is the best dressed person of all time. Not today, I can’t say that, but in his hey day. When he was wearing all those jackets covered in Swarovski crystals. And then all those leather jackets and Mickey Mouse t-shirts and those tailored pants and penny loafers. Michael Jackson, he was for real.

On The Biggest Influence On His Career
Me! Meaning my mistakes, I’ve learnt so much from them! It’s true I am super confident and delusionally egotistical but believe me, I have conflicts with myself at night; like, damn, will I be able to make stuff that I like; will I be able to make stuff which will make an impact on the world?

On Being Happy With His Celebrity
I’m at war with myself. I know I am in danger of cannibalizing myself, of talking about myself to death. My whole life for the past five years has been all about me.

On How He Deals With Fame
I deal with it by realizing I’m kind of confined in my walking TV show. Sometimes I feel like I’m an animal at the zoo, with everybody the other side of the glass wanting to see the monkey overreact. It’s a little like being in a cell, but what’s good about living in a cell is I have cellmates. Jay-Z, he’s definitely in my cellblock.

On if he was trapped on an island, who or what would he keep
I’d bring my girl (at time of print Amber Rose) or a girl who, hopefully, wouldn’t drive me crazy.

You can read the full interview over at the Louis Vuitton Resource Center

I don’t think Kanye’s that interesting when he’s not with his best accessory (Amber Rose) however, it seems like everything he touches turns to gold. His new line of Louis Vuitton sneakers (priced at $700+) have sold out already and according to reports, he may be designing a new line for Gap during his summer internship with the company.

As far as Rihanna, Genuis??? I give full credit to whomever her stylist is…


Images: L’Officiel Hommes

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